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How to Drink Rum: A Guide to Enjoying Fine Spirits

How to Drink Rum: A Guide to Enjoying Fine Spirits How to Drink Rum

How to Drink Rum

There is no one correct way to drink rum. You can enjoy it in different ways depending on the brand, type of rum, and your preferences. However, there is a recommended way to drink Dictador rum. As a high-quality rum brand, we encourage rum enthusiasts to enjoy our spirit straight or on the rocks.

If you are starting your adventure with rum or aren’t sure if you have been enjoying the drink properly so far, you will learn how to drink rum in this article. We explain the best ways to drink rum by answering some of the most common questions on this topic.

Can you drink rum straight?

Rum is one of the spirits that tastes excellent drunk straight. In fact, at Dictador, we believe that not only can you drink rum straight – but you should drink rum straight.

The unique tasting palette of Dictador rum can only be fully appreciated when you drink rum straight. Our rum is not meant to be used in cocktails as it diffuses its rich flavour and doesn’t allow you to enjoy the full tasting experience.

Therefore, the best way to drink Dictador rum is to sip it straight or on the rocks – without any mixers or additions.

How to drink rum straight?

Drinking rum straight may be a challenge if you are used to rum-based cocktails. The flavour can seem intense at first, so start by pouring a little bit into the glass and stirring it. Inhale its aroma, think about what it reminds you of. Take a small sip and focus on the aftertaste.

If the flavour is too strong for you at first, try adding a few cubes of ice. A tiny bit of water from melting ice cubes won’t impact the flavour but may help you get accustomed to the rich taste and strength of rum.

How to drink rum for the first time?

Rum is a strong alcohol, but we don’t recommend diluting it or mixing it with anything when trying it for the first time. The only way to experience its full flavour is to drink rum straight.

Pour two fingers of rum into a glass and swirl it around. Notice its golden colour and texture. Before tasting, smell the liquid. Just like with wine, the scent is a very important element of rum tasting. You may distinguish distinct notes of caramel, coffee, leather, or old books.

Once you get used to its scent, take a small sip. The main tasting notes of rum come after you have swallowed it, so wait for the sensations to spread across your palate. They will be very different depending on which type of rum you have selected, so we recommend tasting several to find your favourite.

Should you put ice in rum? Can you drink rum on the rocks?

Absolutely. Although the best way to drink Dictador rum is to drink it straight, a little ice won’t hurt.

Drinking rum on the rocks is a good alternative for those who are only just starting their adventure with rum and find its flavour too intense when drunk straight. Many connoisseurs enjoy rum on the rocks on hot summer days.

Is rum better on the rocks or straight?

This depends entirely on your personal preferences. At Dictador, we advise you to drink high-quality rum straight to benefit from its rich tasting notes. However, a little bit of ice doesn’t take away from the experience and can be helpful for those who find straight rum too intense in flavour.

A common tactic is to start by drinking rum on the rocks and slowly getting accustomed to its richness until you’re able to drink it straight.

How to drink high-quality rum?

High-quality rum such as Dictador is best enjoyed straight. Adding mixers or using it in cocktails takes away from its rich flavour and silky texture – the two most important values in rum tasting.

If you find straight rum too intense, try drinking rum on the rocks. It is a good way to build your way up until you get used to the experience and become a connoisseur.

Is sipping rum a thing?

Sipping is a recommended method for drinking rum. Only if you sip it slowly will you be able to appreciate its tasting notes and silky texture. Rum – especially high-quality rum – is not a drink made for downing a glass in one go. Drinking rum is an experience and it should be enjoyed without a hurry and in small, deliberate sips.

Does rum taste good by itself?

Rum is a type of alcohol with incredibly complex tasting notes. The flavour of rum varies between brands and even different vintages between the same brand, so the only way to note the difference and fully appreciate it is by drinking rum by itself.

Of course, if you aren’t a fan of strong alcohol, there is a chance rum might not cater to your tastes either. However, if you consider yourself an enthusiast of spirits such as rum or whisky, the best way to enjoy them is to drink them straight.

Is rum a strong drink?

Yes, rum is quite a strong spirit. The alcohol percentage of rum usually varies between 36% and 50%, with the average high-quality rum oscillating around 40+%. The alcohol percentage of rum is comparable to that of whisky and gin, and smaller than that of vodka.

Does rum get you drunk easily?

This depends on how you drink rum. If you enjoy it in the recommended way, which is by pouring slow portions at a time and sipping it slowly, then you won’t get intoxicated quickly regardless of rum’s relatively high alcohol percentage.

What type of glass do you drink rum from?

The glass you use for drinking rum majorly impacts the way it will taste. There are 5 types of rum glasses:

  • Short glass/Old-fashioned glass – a popular choice for rum tasting. It has a wide base which expands further towards the top. The broad design allows for aromas to evaporate, leaving the taster to appreciate the spirit itself.
  • Tulip glass – its shape is self-explanatory. The curved design prevents aromas from evaporating quickly, allowing you to taste the complex notes of high-quality rum.
  • Globe glass – its broad, round shape exposes the rum inside the glass to air. This allows for the aromas to mix, creating a complex tasting experience.
  • Glencairn glass – the wider base and narrowed top create a dome which gathers rum’s aromas and guides them towards the nose. Smelling rum is a crucial element of the tasting experience, allowing you to absorb the aroma using more than just one sense.
  • Neat glass – this type of glass spreads out into a bauble of sorts at the bottom before tapering down towards the top and widening again. The design concentrates the aroma on the rim, providing a very direct tasting experience.

Can I drink rum in the summer?

Of course. Although many associate drinking rum with long winter nights and evenings by the fireplace, rum can be enjoyed all year round. Many rum enthusiasts enjoy the spirit on the rocks on hot summer days.

How to drink rum in winter?

Rum in winter is best enjoyed straight. The intensity of the flavour and the spirit’s strength are perfect for warming up on cold winter days – perhaps even to let your mind wander to the hot climate of South America where rum is primarily produced.

When to drink rum?

There are no specific rules concerning when to drink rum. It can be enjoyed all year long – on the rocks in the summer or straight in winter. You can sip it in the evening as a reward for a long, productive day or have a glass during the day to get your creative juices flowing.

What to drink rum with?

The best way to enjoy rum is to drink it straight. This is especially true for high-quality rum such as Dictador, where the tasting notes require all five senses and no mixers to be fully appreciated. The only addition to high-quality rum we recommend is ice cubes.

Do you mix rum or drink it straight?

This depends on the type and quality of rum. For example, white rum is best used in cocktails while high-quality aged rum such as Dictador should be drunk straight.

The value of aged rum lies in its complex flavour, tasting notes, and texture. If you mix it or use it in cocktails, it will lose those qualities and you won’t be able to enjoy the full tasting experience that high-quality rum provides.

Many factors influence your rum tasting experience: the type of rum, the glass, and the way you drink it. The best way to discover your favourite way of enjoying rum is to organise a tasting. You can start by selecting rums from Dictador’s different collections in our online store.
